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ax BW: zwe
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Registrato: Ago 21, 2018
Messaggi: 1213

MessaggioOggetto: ax BW: zwe
Inviato: 01-09-2018 3:51:42
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A METAL products company in Shenzhen was fined 12.39 million yuan (US$1.88 million) for discharging pollutants exceeding standards Rush Mackensie Alexander Jersey , according to a quarterly report issued by Shenzhen City’s environmental protection agency recently.

Shenzhen Yonglixin Metal Products Co. was found to have discharged pollutants both directly without treatment and through hidden pipes for 47 and 22 days, respectively. The company didn’t correct its illegal practices after it was caught by the environment authority, so the agency imposed fines for both modes of discharge totaling 12.39 million yuan based on the respective days in violation.

This was the first fine of more than 10 million yuan ever issued by the environment authority to a polluter in Shenzhen. The agency has revoked the company’s sewage discharging license while it is under correction.

In the third quarter, the agency imposed fines totaling more than 1 million yuan over seven polluters.

Shenzhen Starise Co. Ltd., an agricultural byproducts processing company, was fined 3.92 million yuan for discharging pollutants exceeding the standards. The agency closed and impounded 88 enterprises that had polluted the environment between July and September.

A total of 15 enterprises have had their production restricted or suspended, and 22 cases have been handed over for administrative punishment and 13 cases have been transferred for criminal investigation.

The city’s environment authority is considering using a credit rating system to blacklist polluters who fail to correct irregularities making it difficult for them to get loans.

The report showed that the number of days with good and excellent air quality stood at 84 days, accounting for 91.3 percent of the total 92 days.

Shenzhen Daily

" "

XICHANG, Sichuan Province, Nov. 6 (Xinhua) -- New, ultra-accurate rubidium atomic clocks on board two BeiDou-3 satellites launched into space Sunday have greatly improved the accuracy of the system.

The two satellites are equipped with more reliable rubidium atomic timekeepers than those in previous BeiDou satellites. According to Yang Changfeng, chief designer of the satellite system, their stability was as high as E-14. ""It means only one second of deviation in 3 million years,"" he said.

Important payloads of the navigation satellites, atomic clocks are the workhorses which synchronize the signals that allow satnav receivers to triangulate their position on Earth.

""The stability of the new-generation clocks has been improved by 10 times, compared with those carried by BeiDou-2 satellites,"" said Qu Yongsheng from the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation fifth research institute, Xi'an branch, developer of the clocks.

Qu said this new technology has raised the positioning accuracy of the BeiDou-3 to 2.5 - 5 meters from 10 meters in the past.

Named after the Chinese term the Big Dipper constellation, the BeiDou project was formally initiated in 1994, began to serve China in 2000 and was expanded across the Asia-Pacific region at the end of 2012.

BeiDou is intended to become a global positioning and navigation system by around 2020.

" With the first half of the season gone, many illusions went away with it, while other expectations materialized. Now there is a clearer scenario of which teams will fight for the playoffs tickets, and which ones need to seriously take a sit and think about the mistakes they have done to avoid them during next season. Things begin to get hot in the race for the top seats with 71 games to go.

Baseball is a team sport, that is a fact, and that several individualities are giving grateful surprises to their teams is a fact as well. A name like Ubaldo Jimenez from Colorado, who has tied his statistics from the past season in just half of this one, is just one of them. The 25 years old rookie, Brennan Boesch, from Detroit Tigers with a .342 AVG and .593 SLG is another one. The White Sox being lead by the 20 HR and 63 RBI from Paul Konerko, or Martin Prado?s being the batting leader of the National League with a .334 AVR are just some of those surprises.

Not only some players are having great performances, also some coaches like Ron Washington from the Texas Rangers, leading them to the first place of the Western Division of the American League. In the National League, Bud Black has done an awesome job with San Diego Padres, in the lead of the Western Division. By working on their defense, the team has found the balance necessary to have regularity in their game.

Now going into teams that don?t surprise with their performance, since they are fulfilling the expectations, there are the Yankees with 56 victories on top of the Eastern Division in the American League. Tampa has also been playing some good baseball, and is only 2 games behind them. And third comes Boston, that even though they are 3 games down from Tampa, there are still 71 more games to go before the playoffs.

Continuing with the American League, but now on the Central Division were the White Sox come in first place and with Detroit .5 behind, things seem hard for Minnesota. About the Western Division and the great coaching from Mr. Washington with Texas, Angelinos will have to deal with their good moment if they want that top spot.

The National League has Atlanta on top of the Eastern Division, followed by the Mets 4 games behind, and Philadelphia, 4.5 games away. The Central Division seems to be a matter of two, Cincinnati and St. Louis, enjoying of a good difference from the rest. And fin.
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