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1 Settembre 2007

It's often said that word of mouth is
the best way of promoting something.

Nada Yoga staff greatly appreciates your kindness
in recommending our site to a friend.

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Personal Message

You may include the following pre-defined variables in your message

{sender}The name of the sender
{recipient}The name of the recipient

{sitename}The name of our website, Nada Yoga
{slogan}Our slogan, "Nada Yoga, nadayoga, musicoterapia, Yoga del suono, Riccardo Misto, Canto armonico, Corsi, meditazione, musica etnica, Armon"
{users}Our total number of registered users, 211
{hits}Our total number of hits, 46876810
{founded}When we were founded, 1 Settembre 2007
{url}Our URL, http://nadayoga.it

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© 2016 Riccardo Misto - Nada Yoga Musictherapy - P.I.04622290288
Interactive software released under GNU GPL, Code Credits, Privacy Policy