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1 Settembre 2007

Solve common problems in the use of laying hen premix
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Registrato: Ott 30, 2020
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MessaggioOggetto: Solve common problems in the use of laying hen premix
Inviato: 05-09-2022 9:49:24
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Solve common problems in the use of laying hen premix
Come to learn about the tips in the use of laying hen premix.
Concept of premix
Premix is the abbreviation of additive premixed feed. It is a feed intermediate product made by mixing a variety of trace components (including various trace mineral elements, various vitamins, synthetic amino acids, some drugs and other additives) with diluents or carriers according to requirements. It is the core part of full price formula feed.
At present, the market is dominated by 5% of layer compound premix products, which need to be mixed with protein, energy feed and stone powder before feeding. Due to the small proportion of premix added, the requirements for uniformity when mixed with protein and energy feed are very high. At the same time, farmers lack professional knowledge and testing equipment when purchasing protein, energy feed and stone powder, resulting in poor stability, unbalanced nutrition or excessive toxins of feed products fed to layers, resulting in layer diarrhea, feather shedding, decline in production performance, poor eggshell color and quality.Please see the feed cooler machine and the feed crushing machine.
Common problems of layer feeding premix
1. eggshell color becomes lighter
If the quality stability and nutritional balance of the feed processed with premix in the farm are not guaranteed, the intestinal health and anti stress ability of layers will be affected, thus reducing the efficiency of pigment synthesis and deposition. Therefore, the color of the egg shell produced is lighter than that of the full price formula feed.
2. egg shell quality decreased
At the later stage of laying, the absorption and deposition efficiency of calcium by laying hens decreases, and the quality of eggshell decreases with the increase of days, especially when premix is used. Because farmers do not pay much attention to the quality of stone powder, the calcium content in stone powder is low, and the calcium in the diet is difficult to meet the needs of laying hens, resulting in an increase in the rate of soft skin eggs and broken eggs.
3. layer diarrhea
When premix is used, more soybean meal and stone powder are usually added. The concentration of potassium ion in soybean meal is high, which is easy to cause imbalance of intestinal osmotic pressure and cause watery stool. Too high content of magnesium ion in stone powder will also cause layer diarrhea.
4. feather shedding
When the intestinal tract is unhealthy, the digestion and absorption efficiency of nutrients will decline, and the amino acids ingested by the body may be difficult to meet the needs of feather growth. The methionine added in the premix is insufficient, and the physiological function of laying hens is difficult to maintain normally due to environmental or disease stress, which will lead to feather shedding.
1. ensure the quality of vertical mixer
It is required to have a high uniformity of the mixed feed, purchase equipment with a small coefficient of variation as much as possible, and determine the appropriate mixing time. Do not arbitrarily change the mixing time when the farm processes the finished feed with premixes each time, so as to avoid the imbalance of feed feeding materials for layers caused by equipment and human factors.
2. purchase qualified corn, soybean meal and stone powder
Do not buy corn with excessive moisture and mildew, adulterated soybean meal and stone powder with low calcium content because of low prices. These will directly affect the production performance of layers and the quality of eggs.
3. ensure the accuracy of material weighing
The weighing equipment should be calibrated regularly and produced according to the formula recommended by the manufacturer to avoid the nutritional imbalance of feed products caused by inaccurate weighing and wrong formula.
4. do a good job in feeding management
The details of biosafety, ventilation, temperature and humidity are also very important to ensure that layers are produced in a safe and comfortable environment.
5.using functional products is also an effective solution to improve the above problems.
Any questions, you can leave a message in lima contact.

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