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Registrato: Nov 20, 2018
Messaggi: 219

MessaggioOggetto: Jordan Scarlett Jersey
Inviato: 21-11-2019 6:47:44
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The Panthers defense might not be good. Shocker! My last article was written about a month ago and it went into detail about the issues the secondary was experiencing in allowing explosive plays.Unfortunately Jordan Scarlett Jersey , these issues have gotten incrementally worse. I truly fear for what the Saints might do to this defense in late December. Without further ado, let’s dive into the blood bath from the past two weeks. James Bradberry had a productive game against Tampa Bay a couple weeks ago, but there were still larger issues that were carried over against the Steelers. For the positive, he was able to shut down Mike Evans by using his press technique to disrupt him at the line of scrimmage. Bradberry has fared well against Evans in his short career, so it’s not a total surprise he was able to use his length to have a nice afternoon.This isn’t Bradberry’s fault per se and the result of Fitzpatrick’s throw turns into an interception, but the larger issue is the defensive call that allowed Evans to be open. Carolina is playing quarter/quarter half (cover 4 on one side and cover 2 on other). Bradberry is squatting in cover 2, but this allows Evans to run free on the deep dig. Fortunately https://www.carolinapanthersfanshop.com/Christian-Miller-Jersey , Fitzpatrick overthrows the ball. On this play, the Panthers are in a cover 4. Bradberry has the deep sideline, but he correctly doesn’t gain too much depth. He reads the short route, but his poor change of direction causes him issues as he pursues the receiver. Coverage skills are necessary when playing zone, but so are tackling skills especially when the defense keeps things underneath. He has to do better. Of course, these issues compounded themselves when he jumped on an underneath route in cover 3 against Pittsburgh. He has to guard the deep sideline and trust his linebackers to protect the flats. He doesn’t, which leads to a long touchdown and Carolina essentially losing any momentum. The issues weren’t isolated to Bradberry though. Donte Jackson has been a standout this season Will Grier Jersey , but he is responsible for this coverage bust. He is expected to carry any receiver on the sideline, which he doesn’t. The Panthers are playing man coverage, but a simple adjustment to this route concept would have prevented a touchdown. The concept is called “banjo” which I wrote about a year ago. The concept involves matching or passing off receivers to prevent pick routes. The Steelers have a great offense. That’s not a hot take. The issue, however, is the defensive call that allows Antonio Brown a free release downfield. Any defensive play call that has Mike Adams matched up against Brown on a deep post is the wrong one. Most of the issues aren’t coaching or play call related, but plays like Brown’s deep reception are a result of poor calls. After New Orleans decimated Carolina in the regular season, I went into why Sean Payton consistently runs circles around Carolina’s defense. These currentproblems will be further exposed against the Saints in about a month. I have no reason to believe this current crop of talent or coaching will change things in season. A week after having an arthroscopic procedure on his right shoulder https://www.carolinapanthersfanshop.com/Greg-Little-Jersey , Cam Newton declared himself in much better shape than he anticipated.According to David Newton of ESPN (no relation), the Panthers quarterback said his throwing arm was “better than I thought it would be.”“It’s good. It’s good,” Newton said during an interview on 680 The Fan in Atlanta. “It’s better than I thought it would be. With so much going on throughout this season, I was in fear to see what actually was wrong.”He didn’t elaborate on his timetable, and the team didn’t provide one when announcing the successful procedure by team physician Dr. Pat Connor (who also did Newton’s March 2017 repair of a partially torn rotator cuff).The Panthes shut Newton down for the final two games of the season, but his problems were evident well before then. Throwing deep became a problem for him, and the absence of that element from the playbook became a problem for the team Brian Burns Jersey , as a 6-2 start was squandered during a seven-game losing streak.“That’s what was so frustrating,” Newton said. “It didn’t matter how much I would grunt, how much I would muscle up and throw it, it wasn’t going far. You’re looking at your arm like, ‘Geez, Louise! What’s really the issue?“You’re looking around the league, guys like Patrick Mahomes Graham Gano Jersey , Russell Wilson, Tom Brady. Jared Goff . . . these quarterbacks that are saying, ‘I can make that throw. I know I can make that throw.’ And to go to practice and prepare for games and even be in games and you can’t make it physically, that’s something that’s . . . I wouldn’t say humbling. It just takes a hit at your pride.”Newton said he would feel fatigued as games progressed, and backup Taylor Heinicke had to replace him for a couple of Hail Marys when he was still well enough to play.The Panthers are hopeful Newton will be fine, but have acknowledged that a more experienced backup option is a priority this offseason.
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