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1 Settembre 2007

Law enforcement test bulletproof vests
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Registrato: Mag 15, 2020
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MessaggioOggetto: Law enforcement test bulletproof vests
Inviato: 28-10-2022 2:02:21
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Law enforcement test bulletproof vests

One of the leading manufacturers of bullet-resistant vests gave a pointed demonstration of upgrades being made to gear that helps keep law officers safe.To get more news about tactical helmet bulletproof, you can visit bulletproofboxs.com official website.

The Point Blank Body Armor representative fired a series of rounds into a mannequin target just a few inches away at the Lincoln Police Department Firing Range and Training Center on Thursday morning.

This is where, if an officer is going to get shot, it's going to be, close-up," Critzer said.
Each time he fired, he showed the impact the rounds made on clay behind the vest.Representatives from the Police Department, Nebraska Corrections and Lincoln Fire and Rescue watched as Critzer fired rounds from different caliber weapons, even military-style rifles.

Many in the group were impressed by the new generation vests combined light weight with the ability to effectively stop bullets.

The new body armor, equipped with the plates are about one-third the weight of conventional vests with metal and ceramic plates.

"It gives the officer the capability to wear it all day while on patrol," Ryan Nelson, of Point Blank Body Armor said.

He said that many times, law officers will have a heavier vest they keep in their cruiser and put it on when they know it's an active shooter situation.

"With the surprise attacks, the ambush attacks we're seeing across the country, with rifles involved, this allows them to have rifle protection," Nelson said.According to paramedic Capt. Rick Schneider, Lincoln Fire and Rescue is considering purchasing vest for first responders.

"The hazards out there in the media with the active shooter situations," Schneider said. "Assaults on firefighters continue to increase," Schneider said.

State Sen. Tm Brewer, a retired National Guard colonel said Point Blank vests saved his life twice in Afghanistan-- once in a firefight during which he was shot seven times, and once in a rocket-propelled grenade attack.
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