Old School Runescape proceeds to break records
-> NadaYoga

#1: Old School Runescape proceeds to break records Autore: Megaomgchen MessaggioInviato: 02-08-2020 6:14:38
Are we living through the RuneScape player counts of all time? I find it hard to imagine after the crisis is over we will ever top these numbers. You would be OSRS gold correct osrs is an incredibly market game with a high time need to really get where many people want when most people only need to sit down and perform a couple of round of CoD everyday.Honestly however, RuneScape is great if you enjoy setting and accomplishing goals. You also kill, and can see progress in your accounts towards your goal with each pursuit, exp. The time requirement and I would disagree. Not everybody wants to max stats. I was playing last year on a level 3 skiller and am proud of my 86wc. RuneScape is attractive to casuals.

I thought OSRS was perishing? Having began playing school due to lockdown I am amazed at how good RuneScape is. Thus content. I did not understand it was so good. Now I've got 100 combat, quest Cape, all challenging diaries (lockdown continues to be productive), I don't see myself stopping when I can start leaving the house again tbh. I wonder just how many men and women are in the exact same boat. Actually I'm actively trying to get all the really shitty grinds out of the way so that when I finally do have a social life again I can invest my game time doing things I enjoy, such as bossing and slayer. Need to finish up complete elite void and 70 RC for many 70 stats, then I will be happy.

I'm not as far along as you but I feel same, just got membership for first time ever and do not plan to stop.Wow we're almost at the specific same spot in our progression. I have been loving it but today I'm thinking about what there's to do next and it seems like what points to"move grind some thing forever to create enough bank and buy endgame gear. Get 99s on how". I've slowed down cause it is a tiny overwhelming.I believe I love slayer too much honestly, feels like the principal portion of RuneScape for me. Im in 240 qp, all grandmaster quests performed, melee stats are 93/99/88, range 98, mage 91, slayer is 200k out of 97, but my non combat stats are actually lacking, involving 55 to 70 on pretty much all aside from con, which I only bothered leveling to acquire fairy ring, altar, pool, to assist the slayer grind.

Have 4 diaries completed through hard, but can't find any motivation to go work on others, bother with the rest of the quests (pretty much all easy ones too aside from the arm questline and frem exiles). I will get on and try to plan out some progression, knock out"just 1 or 2 tasks", and end up grinding slayer for hours, especially if I receive smoke devils / hydra currently, since those are the two enormous pet searches im focused on atm. Not certain what ill do after im 99 slayer and buy RuneScape gold quit gaining lvs in my battle stats also.... The development is a significant part of why I enjoy slaying making gains. Idk what im even getting at honestly, I think mainly I want the skilling facets of RuneScape were in depth and captivating, since I feel like theres a massive part of RuneScape I just can not enter. Sulliusceps are one example that I enjoyed, and I wish that there were more actions like that for skills, more interesting / less afk skilling actions.

#2: Re: Old School Runescape proceeds to break records Autore: JeremyMacCullagh MessaggioInviato: 14-09-2020 18:00:49
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-> NadaYoga

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