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1 Settembre 2007

Chinese virologist who claimed coronavirus
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Registrato: Mag 22, 2019
Messaggi: 352

MessaggioOggetto: Chinese virologist who claimed coronavirus
Inviato: 17-09-2020 7:20:38
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Dr Li-Meng Yan, who claims to be a post-doctoral Online Cigarettes Store USA researcher at the University of Hong Kong School of Public Health, had her Twitter account suspended by the social media site earlier this week.

The virologist, who had more than 60, 000 followers on Twitter before her account was suspended, made headlines this week when she claimed to have evidence that the Chinese government was involved in creating the virus, which has so far killed more than 936, 156 Newport Cigarettes Shop
people worldwide. She claims she fled to LA and is now in hiding in the U. S.

Twitter introduced a policy in May to label posts that contain information about Covid-19, which has been disputed or is controversial.

The site said the policy was introduced to “provide additional explanations or clarifications in situations where the risks of harm associated with a tweet are less severe but where people may still be confused or misled by the content. ”

Twitter did not appear to label any of Dr Yan’s tweets, but instead suspended her account. A spokesperson told Newsweek that Twitter does not comment on individual accounts.

Dr Yan made the claims about the origins of Covid-19 in a report alongside three other colleagues, which appeared to be affiliated with the Rule of Law Society, a group founded by president Donald Trump’s former national security adviser Steven Bannon, according to Newsweek.

The report, which has not been peer-reviewed, read:Newport box 100s cigarettes “Natural origin theory, although widely accepted, lacks substantial support.

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